
John 4: A Satirical look at Jesus’ Methods (And Ours!)

By Ward Shope Sometimes I am amazed at how undiplomatic Jesus is in his evangelism techniques.  It almost seems as if he ignores all the bridge-building training many of us learn and behaves like a bull in a china shop when it comes to proclaiming the good news. Take his encounter with the Samaritan woman...


New Year Reflections

By Ward Shope New Year’s Eve has come and gone. Debbie and I found ourselves alone this year for possibly the first time since Wes joined our household 28 years ago. Still, we followed our tried and true routine: homemade Stromboli (no, we’re not Italian), a movie (this time a somewhat obtuse futuristic Spielberg film...


Invitation for Seasonal Poetry

By Ward Shope Thanksgiving is over and recent tradition is to call our members with poetic ambition to write a ballad or sonnet (or ditty), or some simple verse be it serious or witty to grace our New Life Notes. Of age or gender there is no question: contributions from all is the proposed suggestion....


The Lord of Our Rings

By Ward Shope Thirty years ago, as Debbie and I exchanged wedding vows, we gave each other rings as a token of our permanent covenant with one another. The awkward feel of new bands on our fourth fingers reminded us that we belonged to one another, but they soon became comfortable just as we did...


Hearing the Hunger

By Ward Shope A few weeks ago, a woman called to ask if she would be welcome to visit our church. It’s not a common question, but one that we hear from time to time. Of course, anyone is welcome to join us Sunday mornings for worship and Sunday School, or what we call School...


Shooting through the Screen

By Ward Shope Early one rainy morning this summer, I spotted a bear outside our vacation lodging place. It was cool and still somewhat dark and I found myself torn between waking Debbie up so she could see the bear, or letting her get the extra rest that we both longed for. The bear kept...


Boldly Unashamed of It All

By Ward Shope “…it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death.” (Phil 1:20) Yesterday afternoon, I called Debbie on the phone. “What are you doing?” I asked....


My Chair

By Ward Shope It’s 4 o’clock on a Friday afternoon and Fae and I are closing up shop at the New Life office. “Have a good weekend, Fae. I’ll see you Sunday.” “Thanks”, she returns. “Do you have any plans?” “Not in particular,” I reply. “I think I’ll sit in my chair.” Fae chuckles with...


Handling the News

By Ward Shope Perhaps I shouldn’t admit this, but I rarely take a deep look at the news anymore. Much of what is reported appears either bad or negative: shootings, accusations, terrorist attacks, cyberattacks and more. “Joyful anticipation” does not describe my tentative approach into what’s happening in the world and in the region. I...


Trust Gravity

By Ward Shope Probably every family develops or passes on silly sayings to the next generation. When my father wanted to encourage his children to eat something green like broccoli or Brussel sprouts, he would tell us that it “would put hair on your chest.” I never understood this as a motivating factor, and judging...


Transitioning by Faith: Session Spring Retreat

By Ward Shope If you haven’t been keeping up with our pastoral transition, please be aware that the implementation is in full swing. What literally took years of planning is actually happening. Roles that have been Ron’s are beginning to become Anthony’s. And the rest of the staff and the Session are playing roles that...