
Calling All Frontal Lobes!

By Debbie Shope Have you been intimately engaging your frontal lobe lately?  (Before I go any further, I apologize to all medical and scientific people out there who have far greater knowledge of the human brain.  Please excuse my blunders.  Now, back to your lobe 🙂  At a conference some years ago I learned a...


The Face of a Silent God

By Tracy Eide Psalm 5:1-6 “Listen to my words, Lord, consider my lament. Hear my my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray… You hear my voice… I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly…” I love the Psalms; I live in the Psalms. There is so much...


Going Home

By Nancy Unks While in western Pennsylvania last Thanksgiving, I made a trip back to my hometown. Not the one where I did most of my growing up; the one before that where I lived the first three years of my life and visited often with my family because it was my Dad’s hometown. A...


Connecting in Discommunity

By Ward Shope As we experience the dislocation of COVID-19, some have drawn a parallel to the persecuted church in its inability to meet for regular worship and Bible teaching.  I’ve done it myself, having close connection to some serving the Kingdom in that part of the world.  There is a mix of prudence and...


The Potter and the Clay

By Nancy Unks “Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand” (Isaiah 64:8). All clay is not the same. It comes in a range of earthy colors, from dark brown to porcelain white. It comes in various textures, from course...


Promises and Impatience

By Debbie Shope “We are a people of promise in a world of impatience.” I read this sentence in a blog recently, and was struck by how it seemed to touch a heartbeat of tension in the Christian life, at least for me.  We have the hope and promises of the very God of the...


A Birthday Celebration

By Ward Shope My birthday celebration was chaotic this year.  Not bad, mind you.  Just a little on the uncontrollable side.  Sunday, though not my birthday, was the only reasonable day to celebrate it in a family that is trying to get four households together in one place at one time.  But after worship in...


Sitting in the Muck

By Beth Ann Olesen “I am right where God wants me to be right now.” This has become my mantra over the past three to four months. And it wasn’t easy to come to. You see, I am a fixer. So when I find myself in a season filled with valleys, my instinct is to...


Jesus Help Me All the Time

By Todd Hill I live in a constant tension in my marriage.  My wife has told me over the years that I am a wimp when it comes to sickness and ailments.  I desperately want to prove that she is wrong.  However, whenever I am sick or have any sort of ailment, I find myself...


False Accusations and Powerful Truth

By Ward Shope As a junior in high school, I ran for student council president at my high school.  As was tradition, candidates were given the opportunity to state their case for being elected, and that was followed by a question-and-answer period.  On this particular day, a student in my year stood and, instead of...


Dear New Year

By Jane Highley Dear New Year: Thanks for coming, not that I didn’t think you would. It’s not like the apocalyptic fears that people had about Y2K. I’m grateful that you didn’t usher in a new decade with a blizzard due to a polar vortex.  Even though it’s cold, it’s been a mild winter thus...



By Lisa Roberts Celestial Being Orchestrated Meeting Uneasy Salutations Encouragement and Profession Questioning and Complications Miraculous Declarations Holy and Complete Accession