

Using Power

By Ward Shope Several weeks ago, a number of us from New Life attended Diane Langberg’s day-long seminar on domestic...

On the Way to Harmony

By David Almack Adapted from David’s blog, “FaithLit” with permission.  See the full blog here. Driving to work one day...

Summer Reading List

By Tim Shaw Whether lounging on a sandy beach, sitting lakeside in a comfy Adirondack chair, or chilling on the...

The Good Shepherd

Based on Psalm 23 By Ward Shope Dear Jesus, As I begin this day, your words remind me that you...

Traffic Sign Theology

By Debbie Shope EXPECT DELAYS.  This is my life motto.  I know.  Many Christians have a ‘life verse’ that comes...

The Way of Love

By Ward Shope 4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5 or rude....

Shifting Longings

By Tracy Eide Used by permission. You can read the original blog here I’m stuck on the first line of...

Striving to Rest

By Todd Hill Have you ever considered the irony found in statements like larger half, act natural, found missing, or...