
Easton Youth Ministry Reflections

By David – a student Easton is a heartwarming place that I will never forget. I had a wonderful week with the kids there, and it shines a light into my world knowing that I actually made an impact on many children’s lives by showing them the love of God: the love that many of...


Worshiping With the People of God

By Erin Amman I have always been captivated by corporate worship. I like gatherings. I like music and singing. I love prayer. And I really love God. And God shows up when we gather with praise and song and His word. He is present and blessed and glorified when we humble ourselves and come to...


Reflections on Granada and Easton Outreach Ministries

By Abby Our Granada team has been home from Granada for a few weeks now and I miss it more than ever. The strangest transition happened as we went from seeing each member of the team every day and working side by side with them, to not seeing them at all. I’ve been able to...


"Who Do I Talk To?" – Men Helping One Another

By Joe Johnson A young man came to me with this question the other day. He was struggling with certain things and he felt as though he didn’t know anyone who could give him positive, wise counsel on a consistent basis. This conversation led me to reflect on how fortunate I am to be in...


Shepherding the New Life Flock: A Session Update

By Ward Shope Church-speak abounds in pastoral images even though few, if any of us, at New Life live on a farm. We love stories about the Great Shepherd and how he calms our nerves even when we walk through the deepest valleys of our lives. While many of us don’t even know the difference...


Jesus’ Call to…Easton?

By Janae Robinson In moments of unhindered imagination, I envision Jesus’ call on my life coming in a single, glorious instant, all rolling clouds and fire and a booming voice from Heaven. “JANAE,” the voice sounds through the sky, like some divine fusion of Morgan Freeman and Billy Graham, “You must wear the same clothes...



By Andrew Colpitts Whenever I read 2 Timothy, I can’t help but reflect on the amazing grace of God to give Timothy a mentor as wise and loving as Paul. All throughout the book, Paul uses his own words and life as an example for Timothy to closely follow, and yet he always roots his...


The Miracle in Moscow – CLC in the World

By Dave Almack It was the coldest day of my life. I had traveled to Moscow to be a part of a historic event in the life of our ministry but had no idea how cold it could get in Russia in February. As I stepped out of the doors at the airport, it almost...


Interacting with a Sexually Confusing World

By Ellen Dykas Recently while waiting in an airport line, I noticed the individual in front of me and was intrigued. The reason? I could not discern if this person was a man or woman. I have to confess I went out of my way to try to figure it out: gazing at his/her face,...


Praying For New Life’s Granada Team

Dear New Life, We are about a week away from our flight to Spain! That came extremely fast. Thank you so much to all of you who have been praying for us as we prepare to leave. Below is a list of prayer requests, and we would invite you to continue in prayer for us...


My Testimony

Elise is a member of New Life’s Youth Group My name is Elise and I have grown up and been raised in the church. My entire education has been through private Christian schools and I have been blessed with a family that loves the Lord. Therefore, I became saved at the early age of 6...


Priorities for a Father

By Sam Chez Since it’s mid-June, I was asked to write about ‘fathers.’ I mention that because the only qualifications I feel I have on this topic are: I have a father, and I am a father. That said, I do feel strongly about what foundation makes a good father. What makes a good father...