
My Faith Story

By Bob Hudson Community matters. I know from experience. I grew up going to public school, where faith wasn’t really a topic that anyone was dying to talk about. I didn’t have any Christian friends. Sure, I had plenty of friends who celebrated Christmas and Easter, and some who even attended church occasionally. But there...


"He Never Lets Us Go"

A Testimony by Beth Anne Lesshafft, Children’s Ministry Assistant Director I grew up with two loving Christian parents. I made a profession of faith at the young age of 7 and spent most of my elementary and middle school years in Christian school. I loved the Lord, loved my family, loved my school, loved my...


The Senior High Beach Weekend Retreat

A Reflection by Julianna Viss That was a good weekend! It was my first weekend as a Sr. High youth leader and I was very nervous about the teens accepting me since in high school I was so UN-popular lol. Of course, it wasn’t about being popular this time. It was about the teens accepting...


We Often Hurt the Ones We Love

By Dan & Beth Curley Are you sometimes embarrassed or regret the things that come out of your mouth when talking to your spouse? We (Dan and Beth) both acknowledge that some of the things that we have said to each other over the years have not been said in love. A child psychologist once...


We’re in It for the Long Run

By Ward Shope You may have heard the oft-repeated saying, “The church is the only institution in this world that will continue into the Kingdom of God.” Perhaps not everything in the church will translate directly into the new age, thank the Lord! But the service we contribute as the community of Christ has eternal...


Parenting Through Adoption

By Dawn Kantor (Dawn and her husband Michael have adopted 4 children internationally, all of whom were at different stages of life.) My mother had a magnet on her refrigerator that said: “Nothing in life can hold more joys or more tears, can make you more proud or more tired, or give back more rewards...


Who Are You Listening To?

By Ron Lutz One of the most stimulating books I read this summer was The Road to Character by David Brooks.  Brooks is a New York Times columnist. He is not a professing believer, but his new book has many Christian insights in it that make me wonder if he is close to the kingdom....

September 15, 2015February 28, 2017by

Kids Clubs: At Home in the Church

By Janel Fackler I guess every parent wants different things for their kids. Our hopes are as varied as our children themselves. God has given our children different gifts, different strengths, different interests, different struggles. But I think as a body of believers, we share a hope that our children will find themselves at home...


Vacation or Holiday?

By Ward Shope How was your vacation this year? It seems a bit late to be writing this the week before Labor Day. For most children school has begun, the fall schedule is asserting itself and our summer vacation is a fading memory. For some, vacation rivaled the busyness of any work week. We come...


My Mission Field: Erdenheim, PA

By Becky Holcomb When you think of a missionary, you probably picture someone who is sent to a faraway land, speaking a different language and eating strange food. Well, just over 12 years ago, I was called to the mission field. We moved to Erdenheim when our oldest was just 9 months. The moment I...



By Anthony Gammage Recently I was sitting with a dear brother and sharing once again my struggle with anxiety. I don’t process emotional pain, frustration, or disappointment like I should. You see, when something bad or challenging happens to me, I just do what I do best…pick myself up, dust myself off, suck it up,...


Kids in Motion Camp 2015

By Debbie Leonard Another summer is flying by and we just finished enjoying our annual week of camp. Yes, 135 campers, 35 counselors, cit’s (counselors in training), coaches and assistants spent last week playing soccer, basketball, hockey, and crazy games and doing lots of creative, imaginative artwork. As great as that was, it is not...