
Christmas Poem

Christmas Poem by Nancy Unks Star of my life Jesus Christ born in innocence Tempted like me to fear, covet, complain, to criticism, cynicism, apathy, doubt. Yet remaining Perfect He suffered my sentence and died, then rose to shining, glorious, infinite life. Now he’s welcoming me, even guilty me, to life, to his perfect and...



By Jesse Harper 8:20 AM Sunday morning. “Come on, we need to go. Sit here, let me put your shoes on.” Coats? Yes. Diaper bag? Check. 8:28 AM. 1 wife, 3 kids buckled in the car, ok, if I roll through enough stop signs, we’ll only miss the first song. 8:40 AM Ugh, they’re on...


Reflection on the Men’s Retreat

By George Caruso In the Pixar movie Inside Out, there is a scene where a camera crew uses a “reality distortion filter” to turn a stage production into a convincing dream. That scene resonates with me, as it reminds me of my own filter that often distorts my vision in life. Knowing this, I try...


Reflecting on the Season

By Charlotte Gleason Growing up, I viewed the arrival of Christmas as an opportunity to fill my already full social calendar. My role as a pastor’s daughter assured me of several anticipated events: dinner invites served with Lancaster County hospitality, a guaranteed solo during the annual Christmas Eve service, and cash from relatives who no...


An Invitation to a Seasonal Poem

By Ward Shope There once was a poet from Dresher Who felt under significant pressure To write a short diddy Deep and yet witty About Christmas as a de-stresser So he took up scratch paper and ink And pounded his noggin to think Very little was there (Including his hair) But from the delicate task...


Give Thanks in All Things

By Todd Hill I was just looking at my summer Facebook post of our family vacationing in Maine. It is a selfie Ethan took with our family cuddling in the background to squeeze into the little iPhone frame. The gorgeous Atlantic Ocean waves are crashing on the rocks behind us. It was everything you would...


The Color of Fall

By Ward Shope I love fall: cooler temperatures, the growing layers of dress, the taste of apple cider and spice cookies, and the smell of healthy leaf decay… I grew up on a farm with somewhere around 10 acres of yard and dozens of 100-150-year-old maple and oak trees. Several weekends each fall, the seven...


‘Tis the Season for Blood

By Jane Highley No, I’m not talking about vampires today, even though many of them have been spotted going door-to-door for treats this past weekend. I’m referring to the fall blood drive this Friday, November 6, at our church. I am signed up and eager to give. Here are 2 reasons why I am giving:...


Women’s Bible Study Testimony

By Kim King I began attending Women’s Bible Study at New Life Dresher (NLD) in the fall of 2006 just as NLD was moving into the building we now call home. We were not attending NLD, but had visited once and filled out a visitors’ card, checking off the box for Women’s Bible Study. To...


The Most Important Book Table – Ever

By Dave Almack I don’t normally travel over 8,000 miles and 28 hours in the air to help with a book table. But this was no ordinary book table. I found myself in Chiang Mai, Thailand in August helping to staff a mega book table for an extraordinary organization. This organization is so unusual that...


God is Growing His Church!

“Muhammed’s family lived in a fanatical Islamic area. But after witnessing the oppression and violence carried out by fanatical Muslims, the family decided to look into the Christian faith. When militants destroyed their shop, robbing the family of an income, they turned to a (Christian worker) for help.” – Voice of the Martyrs This scenario...


What’s My Motivation?

By Larry Ackley When you think about the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), what role do you play? Are you the Levite, a devoted churchgoer who is fearful about getting involved? Do you wish you were the Samaritan, selflessly ministering to the violently abused, dying victim? Tim Keller (Generous Justice) points out the twist Jesus put...