

By Debbie Shope It’s summer!!  As a teacher, I can shout those words with a vigor that would rival any eleven-year-old on the last day of school. And, like said eleven-year-old, if I am honest, my dream of summer is guided by the principle “Now I get to do what I want!”  As an adult,...


Mary’s Song – And Mine

By Charlotte Gleason When you think of the word “song,” you probably do not think of sorrow. You might think of a sunny day. You might think of a whistling gentleman jumping and clicking his heels. But we have all heard songs of sorrow: the “my-girl-left-me” country song, the deathbed aria, or the laments of...


Conversation with God

By Ward Shope “How’s your prayer life?”  It’s one of those questions I don’t know what to do with.  You can’t say, “Great!”  That’s the sort of spiritual non-starter that disrespects someone bold enough to ask the question.  It’s not likely true anyway.  Most of us feel the pang of guilt about all the things...


What’s Your Type?

By Jane Highley For the last five years or so, I have noticed a growing interest in personality typing systems and frameworks. Some have been around for centuries, while others have been developed within the last decade. It’s not surprising that I began to hear and read more about these personality tests and quizzes when...


The Prodigal Prophet (Book Review)

By Tim Shaw As a child, I thought the book of Jonah was about a successful missionary who is miraculously swallowed by a big fish while on his way to share God’s Word with the people of Nineveh. Reading Timothy Keller’s recently published The Prodigal Prophet: Jonah and the Mystery of God’s Mercy (Viking: New...


Divine Interruptions

By Beth Ann Olesen Ask anyone who knows me: I am a planner. I think through every second of every day hours, days, sometimes weeks in advance (and often at 3:00 in the morning). I have backup plans for backup plans, and I try to maximize time and efficiency in all things. While this trait...


Three Requirements for Vacation

By Ward Shope This year we’re going to Lake Chautauqua.  I know people who are going to the great Northwest or to Europe, or to the Jersey shore, and I’d be glad to go to any one of those places.  Debbie has convinced me we need to see the Viking settlement in Newfoundland in a...


Youth Group Parents’ Night

By Tim Shaw A couple months ago, parents were invited to attend Senior High Youth Group. While the snacks were great, the trivia challenges competitive, and the gym time fun (and also a keen reminder that we parents aren’t as young as we once were), the part that made the biggest impact on me was...


Why Friday is Good Friday

By Ward Shope At some point when we were teaching our children to drive, we would remind them that the average passenger vehicle weighs 1.5-2 tons.  The soft touch on the pedal or the minor twist of the steering wheel is deceivingly simple.  With so much weight, and the ease with which the machine can...


Sarah Was Seen – And So Am I

By Beth Ann Olesen This past weekend, I had the true honor and pleasure of fellowshipping with the women of NLD at the Women’s Retreat. I believe God gives us glimpses of heaven.  And singing out in praise to the Lord for his love and faithfulness with one hundred other women is certainly one of...


When Words Are Not Enough

By Debbie Shope Sometimes, words just fail.  As an introvert, I frequently struggle to put thoughts and feelings into words, at least in the moment.  They eventually come, though sometimes days after the experience has passed!  After moving to the Netherlands and trying to learn Dutch, I discovered a new term.  I was alingual. I...


Winter Senior High Retreat

The Sr. High Winter Retreat took place from February 15-17, 2019 By Rose This year was my first year going on the Senior High Retreat, and it was really enjoyable. My favorite part was when we all ate spicy ramen that Yohan brought. Some other things I really liked participating in were worship team, ice-breakers,...