
Reflections on Luke 2:1-20

By Ward Shope Summoned by the king of the day at the most pregnant moment of history, the mortal parents of the Everlasting One make their taxing journey where no one awaits them to fulfill the expectation of all the ages. While preparing a room for all who trust, He can find no space in...


Remember Who You’re Not

By Todd Hill I received a text from my wife a couple weeks ago.  It simply stated:  “Quote from Karis: ‘No mama -I’m a BALLER!’”  To understand the grand humor in this statement ,you need a little background.  My daughter has never played organized basketball in her life.  She is a very good soccer player. ...


Was It a Night Like This?

By Debbie Shope Were the stars boasting the brilliance of their Creator When the world opened its eyes to the Light of the World In a small rustic corner, unseen by most Even from the eyes of those who would later seek to extinguish him? Did the breeze blow softly across the way Whispering words...


Inward Religion

By Ward Shope As I was reading outside in the tiled “yard”, I heard the deafening call to prayer begin to sound from the various worship places throughout the city.  Five times a day beginning before daybreak, the call goes up to remind the people to pray.  This city we are visiting often seems to...


Where Am I Looking?

By Ward Shope Rinsing my hair of shampoo at 5:30 in the morning, the phone rang to urgently call me to work.  I quickly dressed, laced up my shoes and grabbed what I could for the day.  I remembered the book.  I forgot my computer.  No time for breakfast – which of course meant I...


i am n – An Opportunity to Grow

…but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope…  (Romans 5:3-4) If I’ve read my pop psychology accurately, despair is the end product of suffering, not hope.  In a culture obsessed with pursuing comfort and entertainment, the smallest amount of suffering, pain and inconvenience causes...


A Generosity of the Spirit

By Ward Shope I will never be a philanthropist – at least not in the usual sense of the word.  Most famous philanthropists in American history made or inherited boatloads of money which they then passed on to several causes they chose for the betterment of the common good.  I’d like to do that.  But...


Acquainted with Death

By Charlotte Gleason Robert Frost once wrote, “I have been acquainted with the night / I have walked out in the rain – and back in rain” (lines 1-2). In the past few months, our New Life community has taken this same walk, confronted with death and loss. I think many of us have at...


What Our Friend Ashley Taught Me

By Todd Hill A few years ago, our family decided to join the Fort Washington Swim Club.  Little did I know at the time that it would change my life.  During that summer, a group of NLD families who were also members at “The Fort” decided we would try to form a home group.  We...


My Family’s Story

By Ward Shope Several months ago, I sat speaking to my 91-year-old mother about family history.  Over the years, I’ve heard bits and pieces about names and events of relatives long ago.  Many colorful stories still linger in my mind regarding people I never met, and yet who had an influence on who we are...


Labor Day Reflections

By Ward Shope There seem to be two extreme reactions to work: those who avoid it, and those who adore it.  The avoiding camp believes implicitly that work steals meaning from life, squandering the energy and creativity that would be better spent on hobbies, relationships, and games.  Those who adore work pursue it to find...