
My Hope for Perfection

By Todd Hill Just last month, I ran into a young, 20-something cashier at the local Subway. After a brief discussion, he told me that I was actually his P.E. teacher at a local summer school about 15 years ago. We reminisced about some of the activities we did in the class – me thinking...


Trunk or Treat

By Lauren Standen On Sunday, October 30th, our family attended New Life’s annual community event, Trunk or Treat. We have been attending this since its first year, when my husband took our toddler and it was held inside due to rain. That toddler is now eight and ran around like she owned the place. It was...



By Melanie Kauffman On the morning of Monday, October 24th, I was sitting in the dentist chair trying to cope with the news that I would need a root canal. I don’t do well with dental work, so I was feeling pretty sorry for myself and trying not to break into tears. As many of...


Eating From Faith

By Rae Barnes This year, like so many others, I began it hoping to lose some weight. I made a plan, stuck with it and lost nearly thirty pounds. Sounds like a simple fitness and diet change, right? But what I learned is not that I needed a crazy diet or a quick fix; I learned...


The Friend I Had Never Met

By Ward Shope During a party today, a friend I had never met before sat down at the table where my wife, Debbie, and I were sitting. While actively engaged in another conversation, but still wanting to draw the circle a bit wider, we introduced ourselves. Generally I listen closely to the first name and...


What I Want My Daughters to Know About Beauty

By Jane Highley Dear Virginia and Sonia: I want to teach you so much about beauty. I know that you see me getting ready for work or for the occasional date-night: the lipstick, the hair, the outfit, the earrings, and the shoes. All those things mean a lot to me because I want to feel...


Sr. High Retreat – Ocean City, NJ

By Justin I have lived in PA for the last year as a foster child, and since being here, I have had a lot of firsts in my life. This was my first trip with the New Life Dresher youth group and to Ocean City. I have had a lot of struggles in my life...


A Penny for Your Peace

By Rae Barnes My summer with four littles home started with a bang. First, my eldest got lice from one of her girlfriends at school after sharing a headband. Two days later, my three-year-old son tried to eat a penny, and we ended up in the ER at CHOP to get it removed. It was...


Being Still

By Melanie Kauffman A few weeks ago, I had to get my car inspected in Doylestown and annoyingly enough, it didn’t pass inspection all because the front bumper cover was loose. This preoccupied my thoughts while I drove out of the dealership parking lot and turned in the opposite direction of home. I wandered around...


Comfort Comes at a Cost

By Todd Hill The passerby snatched the pamphlet from my hand, took a few steps away and proceeded to tear it into pieces. She conveyed utter disgust as she tore apart the paper I had just handed to her. I found myself feeling highly uncomfortable, knowing that the same disgust she felt toward the gospel,...


Good, Good Father

By a New Lifer For the last year of my life, every time I hear the song “Good, Good Father”, I lose it.  Break down.  Sometimes in quiet tears streaming down my face. Other times it is deep, earth-shattering sobs that wrack my body.  Every time I hear the song I am saddened because this...


Why I Teach Summer Sunday School

By Bethany Serridge Each year when April and May come around, I hem and haw internally about whether I should sign up to teach summer Sunday School.  After all, the school year is super busy, and by May, I feel ready for a break.  Also, we, like every other family at NLD, travel quite a...