
Interacting with a Sexually Confusing World

By Ellen Dykas Recently while waiting in an airport line, I noticed the individual in front of me and was intrigued. The reason? I could not discern if this person was a man or woman. I have to confess I went out of my way to try to figure it out: gazing at his/her face,...


Praying For New Life’s Granada Team

Dear New Life, We are about a week away from our flight to Spain! That came extremely fast. Thank you so much to all of you who have been praying for us as we prepare to leave. Below is a list of prayer requests, and we would invite you to continue in prayer for us...


My Testimony

Elise is a member of New Life’s Youth Group My name is Elise and I have grown up and been raised in the church. My entire education has been through private Christian schools and I have been blessed with a family that loves the Lord. Therefore, I became saved at the early age of 6...


Priorities for a Father

By Sam Chez Since it’s mid-June, I was asked to write about ‘fathers.’ I mention that because the only qualifications I feel I have on this topic are: I have a father, and I am a father. That said, I do feel strongly about what foundation makes a good father. What makes a good father...


I’ve Graduated. Now What is God’s Will for my Life?

By Todd Hill It’s graduation season! This means one thing: Lots of graduation parties celebrating the accomplishment of finishing school! Whether high school, undergraduate or graduate level, each student has crossed the finish line and is able to throw his cap in the air, signifying a huge burden lifted from his shoulders! Time to head...


The Topic of the Day…

By Anthony Gammage Last week one of my elementary-aged children came home and asked if I would help them better define the term “lesbian” because it was the topic of the day at recess. Unfortunately, this didn’t surprise me seeing that we recently had a similar conversation with our other child about a potentially transgendered...


Town Meeting Reflections

Proverbs 19:21 – “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” The surprise of Joshua’s announcement that he had accepted a call to another church was bound to trigger a number of emotions in many of us. The staff had seemed to...


God Grows an Oak Tree of Faith

By Lauren Standen I don’t have a jaw-dropping, about-face, born-again testimony in my walk with the Lord. I remember becoming a Christian when I was about ten years old. I grew up in a Christian home and knew Jesus as my Savior early in life, but my walk has had its ups and downs. I...


Questions for Missionaries

By Jon Eide Q – Do you enjoy the exotic life you have? As it turns out, “exotic” is relative. For most folks, “exotic” means anything out of the ordinary. In Ukraine, milk comes in a tetra-pac box, all the money is different colors and sizes, and it’s rare to get a seat on the...


Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God

By Maryanne Soper Throughout my life I have believed that prayer is a way to have deep and meaningful conversation with God. But several months ago, as I prepared to teach a Women’s Bible Study lesson on Luke 11 and The Lord’s Prayer, I realized how little I actually understood about having a vibrant prayer...


Retreat Vulnerability and Belonging

By Julia Pearson My husband and I moved to the area less than a year ago, and one of our deepest desires was to be able to find a church that our little family could call home. Within a few short months we found ourselves falling in love with New Life Dresher. NLD had so...


Be a Blessing and Bless Your Neighbors – Join Community Builders

By Paul MacQueen My first experience volunteering with Community Builders was in the fall of 2006 soon after returning from a trip to Gulfport, Mississippi. Elaine and I had joined a team that was formed to help restore and rebuild after Katrina. We were the second team to leave from the New Life network of...