
Time to Recharge?

A Testimony from Living for the King By Maureen Fox I took Living for the King (LFK) this past winter knowing that it was time to shed my complacent walk with the Lord. I wanted to awaken my passion and desire to seek His kingdom and serve Him. I am glad to say that LFK...


Flowers of Grace: When We Fail as Mothers

By Katie Earman The day overwhelmed me. I felt emotionally drained from sibling squabbling, physically worn out from not sleeping well, and mentally fried from the many worries and concerns of life running through my mind. If faith is a fight, my faith was losing. Anxiety, fear, and depression loudly dominated every impulse and thought....


Runion Testimony

By Andrew Runion A Christian’s story tends to begin either as a rescue from an immoral life that would have certainly ended in tragedy, or the less cinematic way. That was certainly the case for me. Having been raised by loving, Christian parents, I spent much of my childhood exposed to faith, prayer, and biblical...


The Gorbeys to Granada

By Kate Gorbey “So we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” 1 Thessalonians 2:8 Butterflies in our stomachs. Thoughts racing. We can’t believe it’s almost time for us to make our journey overseas for...


My Testimony

By Andrew Bors I was raised in a Christian family and grew up content within the routines of our religion. We went to church every Sunday. I went to Sunday School and recited Bible verses and said my prayers when it was time, but beyond that I did not seriously reflect. My belief was a...


Connecting Your Work to God’s Work

By John Fryling “Connecting Your Work to God’s Work” is the subtitle of Tim Keller’s book on work, Every Good Endeavor. Many Christians – and for that matter, many churches – see little connection between Christian discipleship and work done outside the church. This big-time disconnect can lead to deep frustration both for church leaders...


Teaching Kids at Home About God

By Joshua Earman Help! How do I talk to my young kids about God? What goes into bringing up a kid? Which of the following ingredients are you pouring into your child’s life: faith, love, family, traditions, education, sports, nutrition, friends, ethics, safety, fun, pizza? Other ingredients might include Minecraft, bullying, the environment, respect for...


Hope in a World Gone Crazy

By Bill Parr “Lord, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done.” As I have become older, I find myself praying this all the time. Every day brings us reminders that we live in a very fallen and broken world. This past week, we had a very stark reminder of this when we heard the news...


How “A Praying Life” Impacted Me

By George Caruso “I can’t do anything by myself. I can only do what I see my dad doing” Paul Miller, who led the “A Praying Life” seminar, wrote these words in front of the group, asking for a response. I had a similar reaction to others; either these are the words of a toddler,...


Personal Testimony

By Patrick Glowacki My road to knowing Jesus started when the Lord put a little doubt in my mind to stretch me spiritually. I grew up in a Catholic family, attended Catholic school throughout elementary and high school, went to Mass every Sunday, and said an “Our Father and a “Hail Mary” before I went...


Give Generously to the Resurrection Offering

By Marsha Petty It’s amazing that God can use US to make Jesus visible to the poor and oppressed! But that’s exactly what he’s doing! God has been so generous in his gift to us of his Son and then his Spirit. What a thrill for us to be like God and give to others...


Granada – Why Take a Mission Trip?

By Jen Fauske My Life Verse: Jeremiah 29:11 – “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord.” God works in mysterious ways. Yet his ways are always faithful and He is teaching me to trust Him more. After faithfully serving at a Christian camp for the last twenty years, that door...