
Giving from Weakness

By Sandy Elder The last few months have been challenging for me. I like to be active, I like to do, and I like to help others. But for a few months before June, I experienced severe sciatic pain and struggled to figure out how to get through my days. On June 27th, I had...


On My Own

By Ward Shope Recently, in consecutive church membership interviews, Kevin and I addressed the question, “Why should a believer officially join the church?”  Why indeed! As a true introvert, I get along alarmingly well with myself.  Recently Debbie needed to be away for a family matter for a number of days.  During that period, even...


Time in the New (School) Year

By Jane Highley The new year beckons many of us. The new school year, that is. For many people in America, the back-to-school season is more of a new beginning than January 1. Unlike the first day of the new calendar year, the weeks leading up to that first day of school involve much more...


Send in the Clouds

By Debbie Shope The clouds in New Hampshire have a fearsome beauty.  The mountains themselves are magnificent and formidable, of course.  But as I sit on a porch gazing across at Cannon Mountain, I witness a different spectacle: slowly, a silver gray colossus rises from beyond the mountain, gaining ground, slithering across entire ranges until...


Serving in Easton

By Karis and Chloe A couple of weeks ago, a group including both Jr. High and Sr. High youth traveled up to Easton, Pennsylvania to participate in a week-long Kids in Motion camp. Going into this experience, there were different emotions running through many of us. This week really made us look into our hearts...


Preconceptions and Relationships

By Jane Highley I spent four weeks this summer taking a crash-course on the foundations of American Constitutionalism in Washington, DC. As part of my graduate studies in American history, this course was designed to provide solid scholarship on the political, constitutional, and legal history of the framing and ratification of the Constitution. I had...


Using Power

By Ward Shope Several weeks ago, a number of us from New Life attended Diane Langberg’s day-long seminar on domestic abuse.  She began by talking about power.  All of us have at least some – even those who feel powerless.  The key to power is what we use it for.  Do we use it to...


On the Way to Harmony

By David Almack Adapted from David’s blog, “FaithLit” with permission.  See the full blog here. Driving to work one day recently, I noticed a sign proclaiming, “Harmony Township”. Sure enough, there is a place in rural NJ really called Harmony. The area is quite beautiful as you pass pastoral farmland and houses set back from...


General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America

By Anthony Gammage My posture headed into our denomination’s General Assembly is often that of bracing myself against the extremes of the group who sometimes show up looking for a fight. Knowing that there were such issues as a committee report of racism in the PCA, overtures for and against women serving in ministry, a...


Summer Reading List

By Tim Shaw Whether lounging on a sandy beach, sitting lakeside in a comfy Adirondack chair, or chilling on the living room couch, spending time reading a good book is a quintessential summertime activity. Do you remember getting those summer reading lists when you were in school? Well, here are three of my favorite “classics”...


The Good Shepherd

Based on Psalm 23 By Ward Shope Dear Jesus, As I begin this day, your words remind me that you are the Good Shepherd.  I’ve heard your voice, recognized it by its familiar fondness for my company, and receive it as one of your gracious provisions for my life.  You give me all the nourishment...


Traffic Sign Theology

By Debbie Shope EXPECT DELAYS.  This is my life motto.  I know.  Many Christians have a ‘life verse’ that comes from Scripture, not a road sign.  I, too, have passages that I hope define my life.  Philippians 3 and Isaiah 41 are the top contenders.  But these verses describe truths that are transcendent; they are...