Granada – Why Take a Mission Trip?

By Jen Fauske

My Life Verse: Jeremiah 29:11 – “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord.”

God works in mysterious ways. Yet his ways are always faithful and He is teaching me to trust Him more. After faithfully serving at a Christian camp for the last twenty years, that door closed for our family this year. It was painful to know we wouldn’t spend time with our “camp family” and we grieved. Yet His plans are greater than ours, and He has opened a door of opportunity. God has answered my prayer to be able to participate in a short-term mission trip with my oldest daughter, which was not a possibility since camp had always consumed our summer vacation. Abby and I could not be more excited about this opportunity to travel to Spain.

Having participated in various missions trips through my high school years, I am aware that those on the team will come back more changed than those we are going to serve in Granada. We will be exposed to another culture, allowing us to have more gratitude for our lifestyle here. It will allow us to be more aware of the daily struggles full-time missionaries encounter. Will we share the gospel with those with whom we build relationships there? Absolutely! A trip like this is designed to advance the Kingdom of God. But it also should create in us our own missionary attitude and give us skills that will better enable us to participate in outreach upon returning home and light the fire of desire in us to share God’s love with others here.

I do not know what God’s plans hold for this trip, but I know I can trust His plans. I know He will work in the lives of those we go to serve. I know He will work in our lives and change us so we can return home and continue His work here. Who knows? Someone may come home having heard God call them to full-time missions. Your prayers and support of the team are already being felt. Thank you. I know we can’t wait to return and share with you how God has worked in the lives of many. It will happen because He is faithful.