"Who Do I Talk To?" – Men Helping One Another

By Joe Johnson

A young man came to me with this question the other day. He was struggling with certain things and he felt as though he didn’t know anyone who could give him positive, wise counsel on a consistent basis. This conversation led me to reflect on how fortunate I am to be in a church that offers many opportunities to foster positive male relationships.

I encouraged him to step out of his “zone” and to look for fellowship and wisdom from the Christian brothers around him. I reminded him of the verse in Proverbs that really supports this – Proverbs 27:17. “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another”. I could confidently say this to him because of my personal experiences at, for example, the Men’s Retreat, where I have the chance to meet, learn and grow alongside other men. It has been a wonderful experience that I would highly recommend.

Also, serving in various capacities in the church has opened up opportunities to engage with different men in our fellowship. Getting involved with other ministries is a great way to meet people and build relationships through fellowship and serving. These relationships have encouraged me in countless ways as I wrestle with various circumstances in life. For all men, I would encourage you to take a step in faith and attend the next Men’s Retreat. It is a great first step that will benefit you, your family and community.

Iron sharpens iron. Where are you with your relationships? Have you drifted away? Who do you talk to?