Visitation Ministry

By Ellen Kay Barker and Elaine MacQueen

Several months ago I (Ellen Kay) began praying and asking God to show me how He might want to use me as I was beginning my journey into retirement. He was burdening my heart for people within our congregation who may need prayer and support during specific times of medical need. I had only spoken to some of my family members of this concern and was encouraged by them to pursue the church staff with my thoughts. Before I contacted anyone, I was approached by a member of the diaconate to consider praying about this very need. It was so exciting to see how God had been preparing my heart for the very thing the diaconate was seeing as a need. Over the next several months, three of us began meeting and discussing these needs and how we could walk beside the people in our church.

We began working on training material over the next several months and had our first training this past month with several people who had expressed an interest in this type of ministry. The focus of this ministry will be to offer spiritual support, encouragement and prayer to people who are hospitalized, in rehab, or confined to their homes.

We are working as an arm of the diaconate, as well as coordinating with and directly reporting to the pastors.

We covet your prayers as we visit those in need and encourage you to notify the church office of particular situations that could benefit from this type of ministry.