Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Soup-er Sunday Sale
February 9 in the morning
On a cold winter Sunday, you can purchase soup for lunch and support scholarships for the Women’s Retreat coming in April. Various homemade soups, guaranteed to warm you up. Look for us in the Lobby this week. Cash or card.
Adoption-Foster Community Group
February 13, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm
Whether you’re fostering, considering adoption, or part of an adoptive family, we invite you to join us for connection and community! We start with a casual pizza dinner and separate groups for kids, teens, and adults. For more information, please contact Rachel Curley or Tracy Eide for more information.
All-Church Prayer
February 17, 7:00 pm-8:00 pm
All are invited to our monthly church prayer meeting. Please meet us in Room 306 for a time of guided prayer for New Life, the needs of our world and other items.
Grief Share
Begins February 17 at 7:00 pm
The journey of grief can be very painful, one you need not travel alone. New Life will be hosting a 13- week grief support group on Mondays from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm. Sessions include helpful video presentations and encouraging group discussions. Pre-registration is required. Materials are $20. For more information or to register, please email Maureen Joos or call her at (215) 280-1703.
Coffee and Kids
February 20, 9:30 am-11:00 am
Parents of pre-school children have an opportunity to share coffee, informal conversation, and a snack while their children play. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month. Please contact Elise Shockey for more information or visit our Facebook page here.
Daddy-Daughter Dance
February 21, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm
This is a very special event for daughters and their Dads or guardians. Dress up and join us for a meal, a craft, and fun dancing as you build relationships and memories. For more information and to register, click here.
Senior Life Brunch
February 22, 10:30 am-12:00 pm
Come join us for a brunch with our NLD Senior Life Community for some fellowship and fun. We will continue to get to know one another and look to future ministry. We are looking for volunteers to help set up and donations for food. Please register here.