The Most Important Book Table – Ever

By Dave Almack

I don’t normally travel over 8,000 miles and 28 hours in the air to help with a book table. But this was no ordinary book table. I found myself in Chiang Mai, Thailand in August helping to staff a mega book table for an extraordinary organization. This organization is so unusual that I cannot even share the name, but suffice it to say that the people I met that week are some of God’s special people. The verses in Hebrews 11 came to mind several times, where it says, “Some were tortured, refusing to accept release, so that they might rise again to a better life. Others suffered mocking and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment…of whom the world was not worthy…”

There are only a few times in my life when I have been in the presence of people that I consider to be true “saints”, and that week I met hundreds of them. They would not want to be identified in this way, but there was no other way for me to view it. These people willingly left lives of comfort and security to move to the hardest places on earth to love and minister to the least reached. That may sound cliché or even hard to believe, but it was the truth for nearly everyone that I met who was working “on the field”.

Because of the security concerns surrounding this kind of ministry, most of these people will never be known for the work they have done. Most have creative access platforms that allow them to be in these closed countries and are doing some really innovative jobs. I was astounded to discover the variety of methods that these humble servants are utilizing to accomplish this task. Day after day as I met new people, I hardly found two that were doing the same thing. Interestingly, many are business people and professionals who are completely sold out to God and taking incredible risks to see Jesus “high and lifted up” in every nation.

As we served daily, I was so humbled to be able to help people make book selections that would impact their ministry, their personal spiritual growth and their family life for years to come. One man mentioned that a book he purchased two years ago at the book table that CLC sponsored for the same organization in Germany “revolutionized” his ministry. I could only hope that something I would recommend might have a similar impact on someone else.