Neighboring Well

By Charlotte Gleason When we first moved to our home on Buck Road, we did so rather disbelievingly. A few...

When an Arm Breaks, Love Is…

By Jane Highley In mid-March, on a Sunday morning, I went for a run. Not even 3 miles in, I...

The Relief of Obedience

By Shannon Keenan Obedience is The very best way To show that you believe Doing exactly what the Lord commands...

A Summons to Represent Jesus

By Ward Shope In January, the church received a summons to appear before district court by the police of our...

Bonding at the Sr. High Retreat

By McKenzie On the evening of Friday, February 16, the New Life youth set off on the 2018 winter retreat....

Deep Work

By Jane Highley For the past seven months, I feel as though I’ve been swimming in history books. Not because...

Why Singing Matters (Part 2)

By Tim Shaw Following up on last week’s post, here are three more reasons why singing matters: Singing is one...

Why Singing Matters

By Tim Shaw Last fall, one of the Adult School of Discipleship classes read Andy Crouch’s book The Tech-Wise Family...