Women’s Ministry
About Women’s Ministry
The Women’s Ministry of New Life Dresher seeks to help women grow together in faith in Jesus Christ, the knowledge of His Word and in love for one another.
2025 Women’s Retreat
Refocused and Refreshed: Resting in the Goodness of God
April 4-6, 2025
Registration is now open! Click here to register online now.
CLICK HERE to visit our Women’s Retreat page for more information about the retreat.
The 2025 New Life Women’s Retreat will take place from Friday, April 4 to Sunday, April 6 at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference in Harvey Cedars, NJ. Our speaker will be Cheryl Mullis from the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Annapolis.
When the pressures of life begin to demand our attention, we often find ourselves focusing on self, either by becoming a serve-aholic: seeing ourselves as the savior of the story, or becoming a selfcare-aholic: striving to care for and protect ourselves. These extremes may give us satisfaction in the moment, but ultimately this self-focus tends to leave us tired, discouraged and discontent. How do we battle this cultural individualism that the world calls us to? How do we find peace amid a busy life?
We have a good God who offers us this peace. He calls us to taste and see his goodness. During our time together, we will look at Psalm 34 and Colossians 3 to learn how God’s goodness and rest refocus us and refresh us. We’ll learn that we need each other to speak the truth to us to keep us from self-deception. Fixing our eyes on Jesus will reorient our hearts and lives, refocusing and refreshing us as we learn to rest in the goodness of God.
2024-25 Women’s Bible Study
NLD Women’s Bible Study exists to help women at New Life Dresher and in the greater community to know Jesus and to make Him known through the study of God’s word.
Unique among the four gospels, the Beloved Disciple introduces us to Jesus as he relates to God and his eternal purposes from the very beginning of time. John’s account is filled with vivid images and striking eyewitness details that draw us into the time, place, and events of Jesus’ ministry. A Samaritan woman, a blind man, a paralytic, a troubled Pharisee, a doubting disciple, a hungry crowd and believing father all come alive as the Son of God reaches into their hearts and reveals what is hidden within. Real people encountering the real Messiah. Come and believe. Come and grow in your love for Jesus the Christ. Come join us this year as we dig deep into the Gospel of John together.
WBS begins September 10 (Tues evening in-person) and September 11 (Weds morning in-person), and September 17/18 (virtual) and September 19 (hybrid).
2024-25 WBS Registration
Note: The registration deadline has passed, but we still have limited space available. Please email Annie Notary at annie.notary@newlifedresher.org if you are still interested in joining WBS.
2024-25 WBS Schedule
Click here to view the In-Person WBS Schedule (Tuesday Evening and Wednesday Morning).
The virtual and hybrid group schedules are a week behind the in-person schedules.
We will also have a virtual-only option on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings and a hybrid group. The hybrid group watches the talks online and then meets in-person for small groups on Thursday afternoons.
WBS Recordings
Listen to or download recordings of all of our WBS talks here (or via our podcast here).
WBS Videos
You can also watch our previous WBS talks on our YouTube channel here.
Women’s Bible Study is a great place to get to know other women deeply as we study God’s Word together. We have a beautiful workbook to accompany us each week that includes study questions and other helpful elements to enrich our study. We start each week with a large-group teaching time, taught by a rotation of NLD women. That is followed by small-group discussion. We offer the same content at two different times: Tuesday evenings from 7 pm-8:30 pm and Wednesday mornings from 9:15 am-11 am in person. We meet in Room 306. We will also have a virtual-only option on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings. Childcare will be provided during the Wednesday morning study for those who have already registered.
Please join us!
Annie Notary
Women’s Ministry Coordinator
Women’s Prayer Group
Each week, Saturday Morning Women’s Prayer meets via teleconference call from 8-9 AM.
Please email Nancy Smith (smithn1290@verizon.net) for the log-in information.