
Inward Religion

By Ward Shope As I was reading outside in the tiled “yard”, I heard the deafening call to prayer begin to sound from the various worship places throughout the city.  Five times a day beginning before daybreak, the call goes up to remind the people to pray.  This city we are visiting often seems to...


Where Am I Looking?

By Ward Shope Rinsing my hair of shampoo at 5:30 in the morning, the phone rang to urgently call me to work.  I quickly dressed, laced up my shoes and grabbed what I could for the day.  I remembered the book.  I forgot my computer.  No time for breakfast – which of course meant I...


A Generosity of the Spirit

By Ward Shope I will never be a philanthropist – at least not in the usual sense of the word.  Most famous philanthropists in American history made or inherited boatloads of money which they then passed on to several causes they chose for the betterment of the common good.  I’d like to do that.  But...


Labor Day Reflections

By Ward Shope There seem to be two extreme reactions to work: those who avoid it, and those who adore it.  The avoiding camp believes implicitly that work steals meaning from life, squandering the energy and creativity that would be better spent on hobbies, relationships, and games.  Those who adore work pursue it to find...


On My Own

By Ward Shope Recently, in consecutive church membership interviews, Kevin and I addressed the question, “Why should a believer officially join the church?”  Why indeed! As a true introvert, I get along alarmingly well with myself.  Recently Debbie needed to be away for a family matter for a number of days.  During that period, even...


Using Power

By Ward Shope Several weeks ago, a number of us from New Life attended Diane Langberg’s day-long seminar on domestic abuse.  She began by talking about power.  All of us have at least some – even those who feel powerless.  The key to power is what we use it for.  Do we use it to...


The Good Shepherd

Based on Psalm 23 By Ward Shope Dear Jesus, As I begin this day, your words remind me that you are the Good Shepherd.  I’ve heard your voice, recognized it by its familiar fondness for my company, and receive it as one of your gracious provisions for my life.  You give me all the nourishment...


The Consequences of Our Actions

By Ward Shope In the movie Nanny McPhee, a widower’s seven children are committed to preventing him from making a drastic mistake by marrying an ill-suited widow who only wants him for his inheritance.  Simon, the oldest child, has a plan to break them up.  But realizing that the magical and just nanny might object...


The Way of Love

By Ward Shope 4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful, 6 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,...


A Summons to Represent Jesus

By Ward Shope In January, the church received a summons to appear before district court by the police of our township. It was not completely unexpected. Over the last year, our burglar alarm had summoned the police a number of times without apparent cause. The standing rule is that if this happens three times or...