
Reaching Inward and Outward Through Cubs in Motion

By Ruth Anne Burke There’s a new background track at our house these days. It’s our three-year-old daughter wandering around singing at the top of her lungs, “Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ooooh He loves me.” We have the staff of Cubs in Motion to thank for these spontaneous outbursts of praise. Cubs...


Home Group Fellowship

By Connie Eroh Home Group. What is it good for? Allow me to share some thoughts and some of my personal experiences with Home Groups at New Life Dresher. Home Group Fellowships serve to minister to the congregation in a more personal way than can be accomplished in a Sunday morning worship service. While the...


Serving Christ in West Virginia

By Dan Curley In June I was watching on the news about the devastation caused by torrential rains that hit West Virginia and felt God pull at my heart strings.  We are called to serve others in the name of Jesus, and here were thousands of people in need just a few hours away. It...


Counseling at Kids in Motion

By Merideth Kids in Motion is by far my favorite camp to be a part of. It’s one of the best feelings in the world to run around with a bunch of kids and teach them about the word of God! One might end up with a stampede of rambunctious boys, or have half the...


Easton: A City Experience I’ll Never Forget

By Katie Humphries First off, I will admit that I am not a city person. I can take them in small doses, but I prefer mountains, woods, rivers and lakes. I honestly wasn’t sure if I would be up for going to Easton, but with a little push from my good friend Tim Gorbey, and...


Summer Discontent

By Charlotte Gleason Discontent and I spend a lot of time together in the summer. He typically moves in after our family travels to somewhere other than here. I started the summer on the coast of Maine, where I could walk to Acadia’s rocky coast and smell the wild roses. Discontent quickly pointed to things...


Lessons I Learned in 11 Years of Marriage

By Jane Highley July is our anniversary month, and this year is our 11th. It may not be what popular culture considers a “landmark” year. You won’t find a Hallmark card or bling inside a small blue Tiffany box for 11 years of matrimonial bliss. Still, T.J. and I still celebrate as we have done...


Sharing Good News in London

By Andrew Colpitts “Door-to-door evangelism”. For some Christians, this might be one of the most frightening phrases to hear. A close second might be “street evangelism”. To knock on a stranger’s door as they are eating dinner or to approach someone walking to their bus stop with the intention of sharing a message that the...


Walk Slowly

By Melanie Kauffman In 2011, I found myself working at a dog boarding facility. After three years there, I have many, many stories, but one of my favorites is how God brought me wisdom through a border collie mix named Delilah. Delilah was very old: her eyes were cloudy, her fur was dull, and her...


Wrestling Through Racism

By Anthony Gammage My first memory of racism came when I was about 11 years old at a dinner party with a beloved family member.  As we began to enjoy our meal, an Asian waiter came over to take our order and my family member informed him with all the venom in him that he did...


Knowing God. Me?

By Debbie Shope Knowing God.  Really?  How does that work?  God is, after all, God.  And I am, well . . . me . . . a mere mortal.  But I have to admit, the thought of knowing – the One who is immortal, the One who bestows life with a breath, the One who...


Visitation Ministry

By Ellen Kay Barker and Elaine MacQueen Several months ago I (Ellen Kay) began praying and asking God to show me how He might want to use me as I was beginning my journey into retirement. He was burdening my heart for people within our congregation who may need prayer and support during specific times...