Be a Blessing and Bless Your Neighbors – Join Community Builders

By Paul MacQueen

My first experience volunteering with Community Builders was in the fall of 2006 soon after returning from a trip to Gulfport, Mississippi. Elaine and I had joined a team that was formed to help restore and rebuild after Katrina. We were the second team to leave from the New Life network of churches.

The kernel of the idea that became Community Builders was started by two former members of NLD as they traveled home from Mississippi. “Let’s do this at home in our own neighborhoods, helping our church members and neighbors.” Since that meeting, countless people in our community and church have been served by skilled and unskilled volunteers.

The vision of Community Builders is to be a witness of Jesus Christ in the community. The mission is to serve by being Christ’s hands and feet for the church and to our unchurched friends and neighbors by helping them with light construction and maintenance projects around their homes.

A recent client we served was a single woman who was dealing with damage from a roof leak. The areas were repaired and painted so the room could be used again.

In addition, we were able to help out with other minor repair items: rebuild storm windows, replace a porch lamp and hook up a clothes dryer. This client is under-employed, which results in not being able to have the needed funds to repair the house. The Deacons provided funds for these repairs and are presently providing financial counseling and encouragement. In addition, Community Builders supports and is involved in emergency relief such as the damage caused by Super Storm Sandy. NLD men volunteered with Samaritan’s Purse during the Men’s Retreat in 2013 and again helped a Brick Township, NJ family by installing wallboard and insulation in June 2014.

Blessings abound as both the client and the volunteer work alongside brothers and sisters in the Lord and also bless the client. We have 2-3 events each year in which we would be looking for helpers and also neighbors to serve. Our desire is to show the love of Christ and present the story of grace to any who may have not heard the good news of the Gospel.

At present, Community Builders is a group of workers who would love to partner with others not yet involved.