
Kianga Kids

By Lois Carr My shocking introduction to serving poor families in Kenya was by volunteering at a cramped three-room pre-school where I cleaned and dressed festering wounds and tried to stress the importance of hand-washing where there was no running water. Children infected with AIDS, burned by open cook fires or born with physical deformities...


The Value of January

By Zach Weik I was not sorry to say good-bye to January 2016.  January, generally speaking, can be a tough month.  Between the bitter cold, shortened daylight hours, and poorly performing hometown sports teams (looking at you, Eagles, Flyers, and Sixers), the post-holiday letdown can take its toll on my psyche.  This year’s January also...


Community Engagement

By Eloise Briscoe As I was walking out of church a few weeks ago after Anthony’s “Identity Crisis” sermon (1 Peter 1:1-4), I started humming a song that I hadn’t thought of in a long time. It was a Sara Groves song called “To the Moon”. Do you know it? You can hear Sara sing...


Identity 101

By Jane Highley I’ll be turning 38 this month, and that number puts me squarely in the “late-30s” demographic. It’s also the age that feels like I’ll be entering a 2-year holding pattern for the formidable 40s, which sounds really grown-up. I’d like to say that, at this point in my life, having been a...


There (And Back Again?)

By Aaron Ullman “Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit” ~Virgil, from The Aeneid While there is no real English equivalent to Virgil’s famous Latin phrase, some have roughly translated it to “Maybe someday you will rejoice to recall even this.” The words are powerful and emotional in the context of the epic—Aeneas and his nomadic...


Immigration Friends

By Laurel Kehl Immigration. Just the word itself raises a lot of strong emotions in our hearts these days, especially the idea of undocumented (illegal) immigrants. As Americans, we have a lot of pride in being a nation that from the beginning has said, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses…” but we...


A New You

By Rae Barnes A New Year. A New You! These words are everywhere right now. Truly, there is no other time of year when everyone’s need for a Savior is so apparent to me. The latter part of 2 Corinthians 5:17 seems to be in the front of my mind this time of year: “The...


Christmas Day Traditions

By Aileen Weik I was thirteen years old when I first realized the Christmas morning tradition I knew may not be the norm. This revelation surfaced as my brothers and I watched a video of how my triplet cousins opened their presents on Christmas morning. In equal parts shock and amusement, and maybe a bit...



By Jane Highley All is not calm,      doing and going with lists to check and cross;      weary of wanting the greener grass, a life of gleam and gloss. Did I make enough, smile enough, do enough      to sate little needs of my three;      but here is how the Rescuer still saves me: Visions of past...


My Faith Story

By James Ahn As a little boy, I believed in God. I wasn’t sure exactly who God was, but I would pray to God if I needed something. And amazingly most of my prayers that I recall were answered, such as passing my Tae Kwon Do Belt Exams, passing school tests, getting a Nintendo game...


Christmas Poem

Christmas Poem by Nancy Unks Star of my life Jesus Christ born in innocence Tempted like me to fear, covet, complain, to criticism, cynicism, apathy, doubt. Yet remaining Perfect He suffered my sentence and died, then rose to shining, glorious, infinite life. Now he’s welcoming me, even guilty me, to life, to his perfect and...



By Jesse Harper 8:20 AM Sunday morning. “Come on, we need to go. Sit here, let me put your shoes on.” Coats? Yes. Diaper bag? Check. 8:28 AM. 1 wife, 3 kids buckled in the car, ok, if I roll through enough stop signs, we’ll only miss the first song. 8:40 AM Ugh, they’re on...