Why I Love Women’s Bible Study

By Sue Lutz

To study one book for twenty-five years—isn’t it time to move on to something else?

Not when the book is the Bible. Our Women’s Bible Study has been digging into God’s Word since 1989. Every year, we discover something new, deep, challenging, and life-giving as we explore one part of Scripture in depth. We have never been disappointed. Astounded, humbled, encouraged, restored, and strengthened, yes. But never disappointed—or bored.

Here is what keeps me energized about Women’s Bible Study:

  1. As we study the Bible, we’re taught about God, ourselves, and so much more. Plenty of women have come to our study with big questions about the Bible: Is it God’s Word or not? Does it really say anything that can help me with my life? Can I trust it? Many excellent books help women understand why the Bible’s claims are trustworthy, but we take a more direct approach. We just encourage women to start reading and let the Bible speak to them. And it does—or, rather, God does through its pages. Many women have come to know Jesus personally as they’ve opened themselves up to his Word.
  2. Anyone who wants to can learn. You don’t have to be an expert Bible student to get something good out of Bible study. Start where you are and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand what you read. He will help you. I can’t count the number of times group leaders have told me about the wonderful things God is teaching “newbies” as they dig into the Word. God wants to help us learn and grow—and he does so in very personal ways.
  3. The Bible Study is women helping women. Our lessons are taught by women who’ve been nominated by small group leaders to be teachers. They pray, study, reflect and work hard to share what God has taught them. We have truly wonderful teaching! Our discussion questions are also thoughtfully prepared by women from the study. And the women in our small groups help us connect our daily lives to God’s Word, prayer, and the Christian community.
  4. The more we understand God’s story told in the Bible, the more we understand our own. Our lives find wholeness, healing, power and purpose in Jesus, who is at the center of God’s story. He makes all things new. Come join us!