Kim King
2 Timothy 1
February 26, 2020Nancy Unks
1 Timothy 6:3-20
February 19, 2020Rae Barnes
1 Timothy 5:1-6:2
February 12, 2020Jane Evans
1 Timothy 4
February 5, 2020Maureen Joos
1 Timothy 3
January 29, 2020Ellen Dykas
1 Timothy 2
January 22, 2020Annie Notary
1 Timothy 1
January 15, 2020Sandy Elder
Introduction to 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus
January 8, 2020Jan Wright
Philippians 4:10-23
December 4, 2019Sue Lutz
Philippians 4:1-9
November 20, 2019Kathy Beebe
Philippians 3:12-21
November 13, 2019Linda Ruth Paskell