Junior High Fall Retreat

By Jacob Lee What happens when you take away the junior high students’ favorite retreat place and replace it with...

The Meaning of Membership

By Joshua Earman Why become a member of the local church? A few implications to consider: Membership is how you...


By Laurel Kehl 200 million. That’s the number of believers presently facing persecution. 60% of those are children. There are...

Life Line

By Brad Currie James 1:14-15: “..but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire...

Encountering More Than God

By Joshua Earman I experience joy when I come to New Life on Sundays. This stems not only from my...

Here I Raise My … What?

By Joyce Johnson A favorite hymn of mine is “Come Thou Fount of Many Blessings”. I like the line “Tune...

Beach Ministry to the Counselor

By Janae Robinson We serve a God who is ever in the process of reshaping our understanding of reality. I...

Adult School of Discipleship

By Jane Evans “Equipping, training, and mobilizing” for ministry to our community: These three verbs are used in our vision...

Food Cupboard

By Dyan Fischer Being raised in a frugal Dutch household, I learned to hate waste and to find ways to...