Adult School of Discipleship
Adult School of Discipleship equips, trains and mobilizes our community for ministry. Classes are centered on Biblical teaching, provide opportunities for spiritual gifts to be used in ministry, and enable people to reach out to others and welcome them into the church body. We want participants to grow in their knowledge of God’s gracious work toward humanity, trained to apply the Scriptural teaching to their lives, and encouraged to act as Christ’s servants through a growing love and commitment for God and others in the world.
Sundays, 10:00 am-11:00 am
Winter Classes
Running Scared: Fear Anxiety & Trusting God
Auditorium | Various Teachers
Fear . . . Anxiety . . . Worry. These words and what they describe have become so much of a part of our daily experience it is hard to go a day without running into them. Sometimes they are a passing acquaintance or a mild undercurrent of unrest; at other times they are a screaming, nagging presence that offers no reprieve. We want to be at peace — why can’t we just trust Jesus more? Join us during ASOD for “Running Scared: Fear, Anxiety and Trusting God” as we are encouraged to seek God’s sometimes surprising perspective on this dilemma and on the sources of much of our distress.
2 Peter: Faithful to the End
Room 305 | Ward Shope
In light of the coming final judgment, Peter reminds us of the great privileges we have in Christ, warns us how teachers in our culture, and sometimes in the church, can lead us into unfaithful ways of living. Finally, he encourages us to persevere in light of God’s sovereign plan for the world. How relevant is the final judgment on our pursuit of Christ – or have we lost our way? How do we navigate the extremes of grace and obedience? We will take time to observe and apply parallels between his world and ours.
January 5 – 2 Peter 1:1-4: Introduction and Greeting
January 12 – 2 Peter 1:5-15: Strive to Grow in the Knowledge of the Lord
January 19 – 2 Peter 1:16-21: Jesus will certainly Return as promised
January 26 – No ASoD
February 2 – 2 Peter 2:1-10: Watch Out for False Teachers – Part 1
February 9 – 2 Peter 2:11-22: Watch out for False Teachers – Part 2
February 16 – 2 Peter 3:1-13: Hold Fast until Jesus Returns
February 23 – 2 Peter 3:14-18: Application/Conclusion
Understanding Israel’s Worship
Room 102 | Clint Estes and Yohan Huh Prudente
Bronze tent pegs and blue yarn, peace offerings, gold lamps with almond blossoms, onyx stones in gold filigree on the priest’s ephod, the feast of weeks–even seasoned Christians struggle with the relevance of such Bible passages having to do with Israel’s worship. This class is to help you understand why God wanted Israel to worship like this, and why he wanted it written in the Bible for us thousands of years later. These large portions of Scripture teach us wonderful things about the work of Christ and our own worship today.
January 5 – Eden
January 12 – Tabernacle/temple
January 19 – Tabernacle furniture
January 26 – No ASoD
February 2 – Sacrifices
February 9 – Priesthood
February 16 – Feasts
February 23 – Sabbath (edited)
Prayer Meeting
Room 101 | Various Elders
Our Lord said, “Ask, and it shall be given to you.” Come, knock on the gates of heaven together, and ask for God’s kingdom to come. Please join us in room 101, if you are able, to pray about matters within our church community, mission projects, and for God’s Kingdom work in the world.
Young Adults Class
For those who have graduated from high school within the last 6 years, please join us for growth in Christ each Sunday morning. Our young adults also meet for events and activities outside of Sunday morning. For more information, please contact Michelle Yardumian.