My People (Crossroads)

By Melanie Kauffman

Among New Life’s many ministries is the young adult ministry called Crossroads. We meet every Tuesday night for worship, prayer, and to study God’s word. Over the years we’ve also had nerf battles, bonfires, holiday parties, retreats, camping trips, and more movie and game nights than I can count. As we often put it, we “do life together.” We’re a community. I often refer to Crossroads as “my people.”

I wanted to write about what this ministry has meant to everyone involved, but I found myself coming up blank. The truth is, I just can’t tell their stories. What I can tell you is that Crossroads has meant so, so much to me. No matter what I’m going through, “my people” will walk with me, sit with me in prayer, offer wisdom and practical advice, and assure me of the promises God has made. I’ve made friends at Crossroads that I know I will have for life.

A few months ago I had to undergo a minor operation, and I asked Shannon McKernan to accompany me for moral support and to drive me home. Waking up from anesthesia has never come easily to me; my mind was groggy, confused, and operating on base instinct. I reached over for Shannon and she took my hand. I grasped for something that would hold my interest long enough to wake me up and to pull me back to reality, and I found myself mumbling, unsure if I was producing actual words “Talk to me about Crossroads. That will help.” It’s like my mind gave up and took a glance into my heart to see “What does Mel care about?” Shortly after that I began rambling about television shows, the book of Acts, Jon and Shannon Shope’s cats, and how I really, really, really wanted cake. That’s right, people of Crossroads: you are as dear to my heart as cake.

Crossroads was relatively small when I first started attending, and as it’s grown over the years, my heart has grown with it. The people in this ministry have a way of making everyone feel so incredibly loved and supported, and I thank God for every single one of them. As I write this, behind me sits a plaque inscribed with Psalm 13:6 “I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me.”