An Adoption Story

By Holly Tuttle

This month marks the one-year anniversary from when I was able to bring my adopted daughter, Ilona, home to the U.S. from Latvia. As I look back on this past year, I am truly amazed at all God has done to make this a reality for both of us. She needed a permanent home where she could feel safe, loved and supported. She needed opportunities and hope…to grow, learn, experience new and wonderful things and hear the truth of God’s love for her.

This decision to adopt was not made easily, though. I admit I had many fears. There were so many uncertainties, and yet there was always that sense that this was what God was calling me to do and that I needed to trust Him with the details and even the funds. I remember just finally saying, “OK, God, I’m tired of struggling to make this decision and tired of hearing my own excuses. I am going to move forward on this and if you want this, then keep the doors open and provide what is needed. If not, then close the door!”

And He DID open WIDE that door for this adoption. He provided in so many ways, even with many small details that reassured me that He was present and cared. He made my experience so wonderful, trouble-free and FUN! Being a single gal, I needed to see my Heavenly Father take care of me and my daughter each step of the way. I felt His pleasure and joy in surprising us with so many blessings along the way: extra needed funds came in, the trips were great, the energy was there, the relationship between us was tremendous. The help we had along the way from so many friends and family was constant.

I have seen that He is a BIG God who is able to do exceedingly beyond all that we could ask or imagine, that He does provide and promises He will meet our needs when we seek to do His will. My only regret is that I waited so long to do this. I would challenge others, don’t let your fears dictate how you respond to helping an orphan in need. Take the first step – prayerfully, of course – and watch what He can do.