Adult School of Discipleship

By Jane Evans

“Equipping, training, and mobilizing” for ministry to our community: These three verbs are used in our vision statement to explain what each one of us in the congregation needs to do. Just as an athlete cannot hope to do her best; an auto mechanic cannot fix a car; a new parent cannot bring a new baby home without equipping and training himself, so we cannot begin to be mobilized for the community unless we spend some time and effort here.

One of the reasons why my husband and I came to New Life was because the gospel was preached every Sunday from the pulpit. But hearing that preaching – only 20 minutes of one day in a long week – was only a start for us to begin to understand this great God and what He has done for me. Spending time with the Lord daily in Bible study is also a great way to become equipped. But sometimes you need to hear from someone else who has studied a particular problem, or has gone through the experience you are now going through, or has a burden for a portion of God’s Word that you may be putting aside.

And that is why I go to Adult School of Discipleship. These are classes built for the adults in our community, whether you are just finding out about Jesus or have been a Christian for many years. The classes help me see things about God that I may not have found on my own. They let me hear from brothers and sisters who have different experiences than I have had and have different insights into who God is. Strengthened by the training of learning to apply the Word of God to different situations or Bible study, I am becoming equipped with the armor of God to serve Him and to serve my community. It is an important hour in my week where I can explore, be enlightened, and expose my heart to the very things that will help soften it and make me the person God wants me to be.