Home Group Fellowship

By Connie Eroh

Home Group. What is it good for? Allow me to share some thoughts and some of my personal experiences with Home Groups at New Life Dresher. Home Group Fellowships serve to minister to the congregation in a more personal way than can be accomplished in a Sunday morning worship service. While the Sunday morning service is designed for worship as a community of believers, this time doesn’t enable the leadership of the church to be made aware of the things that weigh heavily on our individual hearts from one week to the next.

It’s in the more intimate atmosphere of a Home Group Fellowship where we can share our hearts and burdens. Not only is it a place to share, but it’s also an opportunity to serve. Comforting one another is Biblical. Paul tells us in II Corinthians 1:3 and 4 that God comforts us in all our affliction, so that we can comfort others.

That was our particular experience when first coming to New Life. My husband and I had attended one of the “Let’s Do Dinner” events last summer. While there, we met one of the elders of the church, who was going through a similar experience we were having. We were new at New Life and anxious for the opportunity to connect with others who understood our situation, and would pray with us and hold our hand. He extended an invitation to join his small group, and we accepted. In the group we found others who had the same struggles. As a small group of believers, we prayed for one another and encouraged one another. Things discussed remained confidential. We just understood what the others were going through, and it was good to know that we were not alone. The time spent being transparent with one another was very encouraging.

I so appreciate the excitement that New Life has for Home Group Fellowships. We had been approached on a number of occasions asking if we were yet involved in a group. I extend that same invitation to you, and I strongly encourage you to accept.