God is Growing His Church!

“Muhammed’s family lived in a fanatical Islamic area. But after witnessing the oppression and violence carried out by fanatical Muslims, the family decided to look into the Christian faith. When militants destroyed their shop, robbing the family of an income, they turned to a (Christian worker) for help.” – Voice of the Martyrs

This scenario is being repeated all over the Middle East and N. Africa. What man means for evil, God is using for good! (Genesis 50:20) As He has done throughout history, God is growing His Church through persecution.

We may never hear this perspective on CNN or any other major news channels, but it’s happening! God is on His throne, and He is transforming lives in the midst of all the horrific events we DO hear about. In the words of a Syrian believer, “We prayed for revival for years, but revival didn’t come how we imagined it. Revival came through war.”

How will we (in comfortable, “safe” America) respond? The very least we can do is to pray for our brothers and sisters caught up in violence, war, and the greatest migration since WW2. We’ll have the chance to do that and to hear more stories on Persecuted Church Sunday, October 25th.

By the way…we can include the family described above in our prayers, because they are now our brothers and sisters! They have come to know Jesus!