The Gorbeys to Granada

By Kate Gorbey

“So we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” 1 Thessalonians 2:8

Butterflies in our stomachs. Thoughts racing. We can’t believe it’s almost time for us to make our journey overseas for the summer! It’s hard to explain the kind of emotions Tim and I have as we prepare for our 10-week adventure in Spain. We are excited, nervous, encouraged…and sometimes scared of the unknown.

While this is not our first time in Spain (this will be our third time there), Tim and I have never been overseas so long. We ‘ll miss our family, friends, and our church for the summer, but 1 Thess 2:8 reminds us that our hope is not only to share the gospel of God, but to GO and share our very lives!

This verse explains why we decided to go. Too often, I get so comfortable in my own groove, my own bubble, that my own voice begins to drown out the leading of the Spirit. I forget that the gospel requires us, followers of Jesus, to go, to meet people, to really get to know others for Jesus’ sake. Some have asked, “Can’t you do that here in the US?” Of course we can! God doesn’t call everyone overseas. If he did, no one would be left here. But Tim and I have found out through consistent prayer, God’s Word, and through the wisdom of His people, the Lord is calling us this summer to Spain. He has moved us through our time spent there over the past couple of summers, and our hearts have really grown for the people of Spain. We can’t wait to grow deeper friendships with those we already know, as well as doing life together with new friends.

We will be spending a lot of time learning Spanish there. Language learning is not only about better verbal communication. It also shows others that you really care about them. Language helps you understand their hearts and their culture more fully. We are so excited to learn! We will also be prepping and running the English camps there. We will be behind the scenes buying supplies, recruiting campers, and building relationships as we go. The kids and teens love learning English in fun and creative ways, which makes camp a great platform for the team to meet and build community with the kids and their parents.

We are excited to continue to see the Lord moving in Granada, Spain. We are praying that His Kingdom would come there, and that many Spaniards would turn to Him in worship. We’ll miss all of you while we’re gone, but we are honored to be a part of this work. Pray for us while we’re gone – we will need it!