What I Learned Through Living for the King

By Pat Daley

Living for the King is New Life’s 12-week foundational disciple course centered on the grace of Jesus Christ and how it applies to every area of our lives. The next course starts on January 19, 2015. Click here for more information or to register.

I was raised in a shame-based culture and a performance-based church, and had a series of jobs where perfection was the standard. Before coming to New Life I had developed what Lucy in Peanuts called a Failure Face. The problem was not my performance, however; it was my world view. Last January, the 13-week discipleship course “Living for the King” changed that world view completely. I can honestly say my life is divided into two time periods: Before-LFK and After-LFK.

The painful truth was that my Christianity was me-centered, not God-centered, and it showed in my behavior. LFK, via excellent lectures, great readings, soul-searching homework and an amazing small-group experience, deepened my understanding of the Good News. Studying God’s magnificent plan of salvation in detail led me to focus on love and obedience (all about God), not performance (all about me). Theology really does make a difference in spiritual growth, and LFK focuses on both: theology and application.

Beyond my own experience, here are a couple testimonies from fellow students.

“Living for the King was so helpful in so many ways. It forced me to take a serious look at myself and my sin and showed me how much I need Jesus and how much he loves me despite my ugliness.”

“Living for the King was a truly educational and rewarding experience. I would recommend this to anyone interested in learning new ways to grow and ways to connect with others in the church. Personally, as someone who is more of an introvert, the structure and layout were perfect for learning and connecting with people. The small groups I found especially great, as breaking up the men and women allowed for very open and candid discussions with a group of men that usually proves to be a rare occurrence. The relationships I built in LFK are ones I still value and have today, and I would highly recommend this for anyone on the fence about joining. I know I will be attending again this year.”

LFK is a unique opportunity to pursue maturity as a follower of Christ and a trophy of grace. And yes, you can take it more than once!