A Poetic Invitation for the Holidays

In celebration of Advent and Christmas Day
We invite you to participate in an activity that may
Result in a line or two about Jesus’ birth
Or bring about a chuckle of holiday mirth.

No one is too young or to too old to take part
In this exercise of poetic art.
The lines may rhyme or maybe not
Because it doesn’t make any difference

Some may go on about religious themes
Theologic and robust. But to me it seems
An author might legitimately wax
On about any relevant holiday facts.

Well, enough said. You get the gist
A family working together could probably twist
A tale worth telling and have lots of fun
And that would truly be verses warm and homespun

Submit your work to receptionist Fae
She’ll pass them on and come what may
They may appear in New Life Notes
The blog with testimonies and anecdotes.

Fae’s email is fae.hicks@newlifedresher.org
And now a translation for those who are bored
Write holiday poetry for New Life notes
Then watch the blog for your church family quotes.

Submit by December 15