An Invitation to a Seasonal Poem

By Ward Shope

There once was a poet from Dresher
Who felt under significant pressure
To write a short diddy
Deep and yet witty
About Christmas as a de-stresser

So he took up scratch paper and ink
And pounded his noggin to think
Very little was there
(Including his hair)
But from the delicate task he didn’t shrink

“I believe I can write something short”
And with gusto he began to snort
As pen etched the page
The author engaged
In a poem of meaningful import

It could have been funny or serious
To some it sounded delirious
But Jesus was present
And the season was pleasant
And led to a poem which would cheer-i us.

So now you can blog a poem
You can do it at work or at home
Write for the season
And use some reason
And we’ll post it on “Notes” as a tome.

Whether you’re old or young as you write
The poem can be deep or bold or trite
There’s very few limits
And no threat of gibbets
In the end it will all come out right.

(So in case you didn’t get it: You, or your child, or your grandmother can submit a Seasonal or Christmas poem to be published on New Life Notes. It can be any style, serious or funny, long or short. Just send your poem to And wait for it to be posted.)